Friday 2 August 2019

Health tips by Best dietitian in India

Dietitians are health professionals who diagnose and treat many health issues by suggesting some healthy and useful diet charts. To make healthy and suitable diet charts as per the requirement of clients, dietitians required vast knowledge in the field of diet and nutrition. They should be qualified to fulfil the requirements of the customers. If you are looking for the best dietitian in India, then Ms Luna Jaiswal is highly recommended. She has many years of experience in the field of diet. She highlighted many health tips for you which are given below as:

Avoid sugary drinks: Sugary items and drinks contain more fat which causes diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and other health issues.  Thus, it is suggested by the dietitians that avoid or lessen the use of sugary items or drinks.

Include nuts in your food: Even the nut are fatty but they are healthy and nutritious. They are rich in magnesium, fibre, vitamin E and other nutrients. They also help to lose weight and cope with diabetes and heart diseases.

Take Coffee: Coffee contains antioxidants and good for health.  It helps to mitigate the problem of diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and other illnesses. 

Get enough sleep: The proper amount of sleep is very important for good health. Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, impact appetite hormones, impact physical and mental performance. It is also caused to increase in weight and obesity.

Drink water: Water can enhance the number of calories that you burn. It helps to enhance your metabolism. Thus, drink more water during the day and the best time to drink water is before meals. From the research, it is observed that water before a meal can increase the weight loss possibility by 44 per cent.

Eat vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other illnesses.

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