Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Why Exercising Increases Your Weight?

Exercising is necessary to weight loss along with diet. But, in some cases, exercising does not help to decrease your weight. This happens due to some mistakes that you have done during and after exercising. If you are following the appropriate diet plans and exercises but still not able to reduce your weight then your lifestyle habits may be a cause of it. Some mistakes are suggested by the best dietitian in India which does not let you reduce your weight. These mistakes are given below:

Ignorance of the important factors: Maximum of the people concentrate on their diet and exercise only. They ignore some factors such as the amount of sleep they take, the amount of water consumption and stress levels. These factors play a vital role in weight loss program. Thus, care about it along with diet and exercise. Observe the benefits you have gained with a particular diet and exercise instead of seeing the weight you lost. Observe that you are feeling fresh or energetic or not? Are you feeling less stressed and happier than before?  

Consumption of more calories than you burn: Sometimes people take more calories than they burn during exercise. Which is the major cause of gaining weight? It is essential to take more calories but it is also necessary to burn them.

Some health issues: If you have any health issues, then exercising and dieting is not useful for weight loss. Thyroid issues and some other medications can cause to attain weight whether you are following a suitable diet and exercise. In this case, consult the doctor and take proper treatment first. 

Consumption of less water: According to Add Life i.e. renowned weight loss clinic in Lucknow, people are unaware of the appropriate amount of consumption of water. After working out, they prefer to eat food than the hydrating body.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Monsoon Health Tips By The Best Dietitian in India

Monsoon helps to reduce the temperature and keep us away from humidity and heat of summer. It is not true that only humans love rain but also the animals, plants, viruses and bacteria like to enjoy it. These bacteria or viruses may impact our health. Thus, there is a need to take extra care of your health. There are some tips suggested by the Best Dietitian in India which are as follows:

Keep your indoors clean: During the rainy season, a lot of mud enter the house. Thus, regular cleaning of the house is needed which helps to prevent the spread of germs and breeding and reduce the chances of infection and diseases. Repair or replace the broken of leaky pipes which are responsible for the breeding of pests.

Wash your hands regularly: During rainy days, germs increase in your washroom doors, flush and taps etc. Thus, wash your hands multiple times in a day to prevent infection and germs.

Take a shower after if you get wet in the rain: Some people like to get wet in the rain. The rainwater is not pure and contains many impurities which are harmful to health. It may cause cough, infection and cold. To avoid it, take a shower after getting wet in rain.

Avoid outside food: Food prepared in open comes in contact with germs and bacteria. Thus, avoid the use of outside food during monsoon. Prepare warm food at home and drink enough water to avoid issues like constipation and urinary infections.

Take soups: Soups helps to enhance immunity during monsoon or rainy season. You can also use other immunity boosters like turmeric, tulsi, cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg etc.

Avoid tight clothes: In the rainy season, avoid the use of tight undergarments, T-shirts and jeans. The fungus can grow in humidity and heat. If you wear tight clothes then they can easily grow under your neck, underarms etc. And you can get fungal infections.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Causes and Prevention of lifestyle disorders

Lifestyle disorders are not impacting adults only but also the kids. Lifestyle diseases take place due to bad eating habits, and changes in the lifestyle of people. They are more addicted to machines and other electronic devices for their comfort. Thus, they participate less in physical activities, used to available resources and spend less time with family. Lifestyle disorders include many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, cholesterol and PCOS, sleep disorders, migraine headaches etc. There are some causes for such diseases which are given below:

     Less physical activity
     Bad eating habits
     Poor physical fitness and poor health habits etc

Such diseases can be prevented by implementing some rules on life. There are some tips to prevent lifestyle disorders which are suggested by Best Dietitian in India.

Eat Right: Most of the people rely upon junk food due to their busy schedule. These types of foods are rich in fat and sodium, thus considered as unhealthy. Fats and sodium are causes of numerous lifestyle disorders such as heart failure, high cholesterol, heart failure, hypertension and stroke etc. Thus, avoid such type of food items and prefer healthy and homemade food items in order to prevent lifestyle disorders.

Keep yourself hydrated: Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day because it helps to flush extra material out of the body. It also helps to keep your body hydrated and enhance metabolism.

Manage weight: Overweight and obesity are the major causes of lifestyle disorders. Therefore, it is essential to manage your body weight. Manage your weight according to your age and height. Weight can be controlled by your dietary habits.

Get proper sleep: To enhance your working capability, a sleep of 8 hours is essential for you. You feel more active and fresh after a deep sleep. Thus, take proper sleep to avoid some lifestyle diseases. 

Monday, 5 August 2019

Avoid these mistakes for healthy metabolism and fast weight loss

Today, people are adopting different methods to attain healthy metabolism and quick weight loss. But, they are not aware of the suitable and appropriate methods of weight loss. They make many mistakes while adopting weight loss plans which lead to other health issues. In order to avoid all these mistakes, hire the best dietitian in India (Luna Jaiswal). Dietitians help to suggest best and healthy diet plans for you with their knowledge and experience. Here, we will discuss some mistakes that people do while adopting a weight loss plans.

Consumption of very less calories: People take very less amount of calories to lose their weight. Even it helps to lose weight but after some time you feel weakness and your metabolism rate slows down. Thus, do not decrease your calorie intake for a long time. Add the proper amount of calories in your diet.

Consumption of less protein: Proteins play an important role in healthy metabolism and quick weight loss. Thus, your diet should contain all types of food items such as fibre, carbs, protein, fat and omega 3 fatty acids. All these proteins help to enhance metabolism rate. So, increase your protein intake. It can be possible by adding protein to lunch, breakfast and dinner. Protein oriented foods help to enhance metabolic rate and weight loss. 

Not sleeping well: Proper sleep not only helps weight loss but also help to boost your metabolism. Sleep without any interruption at night keep you more fresh and energetic as compared to sleep that you take during the working schedule. 

Drinking or eating too much sugar: More sugary drinks or foods contain fructose that can slow down metabolism and lead to increased belly fat and fatty liver. Thus, avoid the use of sugary drinks and items. Take sugar in appropriate amount for better weight loss and a healthy metabolism. 

Friday, 2 August 2019

Health tips by Best dietitian in India

Dietitians are health professionals who diagnose and treat many health issues by suggesting some healthy and useful diet charts. To make healthy and suitable diet charts as per the requirement of clients, dietitians required vast knowledge in the field of diet and nutrition. They should be qualified to fulfil the requirements of the customers. If you are looking for the best dietitian in India, then Ms Luna Jaiswal is highly recommended. She has many years of experience in the field of diet. She highlighted many health tips for you which are given below as:

Avoid sugary drinks: Sugary items and drinks contain more fat which causes diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and other health issues.  Thus, it is suggested by the dietitians that avoid or lessen the use of sugary items or drinks.

Include nuts in your food: Even the nut are fatty but they are healthy and nutritious. They are rich in magnesium, fibre, vitamin E and other nutrients. They also help to lose weight and cope with diabetes and heart diseases.

Take Coffee: Coffee contains antioxidants and good for health.  It helps to mitigate the problem of diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and other illnesses. 

Get enough sleep: The proper amount of sleep is very important for good health. Poor sleep can drive insulin resistance, impact appetite hormones, impact physical and mental performance. It is also caused to increase in weight and obesity.

Drink water: Water can enhance the number of calories that you burn. It helps to enhance your metabolism. Thus, drink more water during the day and the best time to drink water is before meals. From the research, it is observed that water before a meal can increase the weight loss possibility by 44 per cent.

Eat vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other illnesses.