Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Effective ways to lose weight

Overweight is a common problem among people.  It takes place due to the bad eating habits. Heavyweight people have greater chances of diseases and other health issues. There are immense ways suggested by the dietitians to lose weight effectively. Here we will discuss some weight loss methods that are suggested by the Best Dietitian in India i.e. Luna Jaiswal. Such tips or methods are given below:

Take limited calories: The excess of the calories in food may cause of overweight, thus limit the use of calories. Best way to lose weight is include 250 calories in your diet and burn 250 with the help of exercise. The number of calories to consume each day rely upon your recent weight and health status. 

Do walk after taking meal: After taking your lunch, the walk is a must for the weight loss purpose. This walk is very useful to decrease your weight and you will get a bonus from it.

Never skip evening workouts: The evening walk is necessary even if you are very tired or exhausted from a busy working schedule. If possible, then join the gym for better results at evening time. 

Drink water: Water not only helps to keep you hydrated during summer but also help to decrease your weight. Thus, drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. It helps to flush waste material out of the body. 

Avoid starvation: It is preferred by most of the people, but it is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Starvation may decrease your weight but weaken your health strength and create other health issues. 

Exercise in the morning: It is observed that the people who do exercise in the morning having more chances to reduce weight as compared to other people.

For the easy and cost-effective weight loss facilities, Add Life is the best weight loss clinic in Lucknow.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Qualities of Dietitians

Dietitians are health professionals who help to make diet charts for you as per your health status. They suggest the best diet plans for you by diagnosing your health issues in detail. Dietitians are responsible to cure you with their knowledge of food and nutrition. The dietitians require many years of experience in the field of diet and nutrition to suggest the best diet for people. They should be qualified and educated in this particular field.  If we discuss the Best Dietitian in India, Ms. Luna Jaiswal is a famous name as a dietitian and running Add Life centre of nutrition. There are some important qualities that dietitians should contain. Such qualities are given below:

Compassion: Dietitians should be empathetic and caring when helping customers. They should address health and dietary issues with proper care and affection. The emotions of the clients should be kept in mind by the dietitians during diagnosis and treatment process. 

Analytical Skills: Dietitians should be aware of the latest food and nutrition research. They should be able to interpret scientific studies and express nutrition science into practical eating advice. They should contain vast knowledge in nutrition and diet to understand the pros and cons of particular food items. 

Listening Skills: They should be a good listener to understand the goals and concerns of clients. They can work with other healthcare workers as a part of the team for better results. In this case, they have to listen to all team members for constructing the best diet plans. 

Problem Solving Skills: Dietitians should be able to evaluate or diagnose the health status of clients and they should make suitable food choices for patients to improve their health or cure disease.   

You can find all these qualities at Add life that is famous Weight loss Clinic in Lucknow. All the dietitians in this centre are well educated and experienced. 

Friday, 26 July 2019

Nutrition Servers - Add Life

Dietitians are health professionals that diagnose and treat diet-related problems of individuals. They help to make healthy and useful diet charts with their experience and knowledge of nutrition and diet. They need more and more knowledge in the field of diet to plan effective and healthy diet charts. There are some reputed dietitians in India who have many years of experience. Among them, Ms Luna Jaiswal is considered as  Best Dietitian in India due to her quality services to customers. She is running a nutrition counselling centre in Lucknow named as Add Life. It allows many services to clients which are given below:

Diagnosis and Treatment: Add life is an expert in diagnosing the problems of patients and suggest them the best suitable treatment. They have a team of professional doctors who are responsible to diagnose the health issues and then recommend the best possible treatment. The treatment varies from person to person as per their health status.

Treatment for Lifestyle Disorders: They are working in the field of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, low immunity and PCOS. They recommend the best diet plans, exercises etc to get rid of these problems with their experience and knowledge. 

Weight Management: Add life allow many nutrients and diet plans for customers to curb their weight effectively. They ensure that their products can control your weight within a few days. Due to such services, Add Life is considered as best Weight loss Clinic in Lucknow. 

Diet for Special Needs: This centre helps to make diet charts for special needs. This diet includes a pre-pregnancy diet, post-pregnancy diet, PCOS, and Hormonal imbalances. These diets get changed according to the health status of individuals.

Sports Diet Charts: Luna Jaiswal was diet consultant at RPF (Railway Police Force) academy. Thus, an expert in planning sports diet charts as per requirement.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Tips to reduce weight - Luna Jaiswal

Overweight is the major issue among people in modern era. This is due to overeating and bad eating habits of people. Due to the problem of overweight, people are also facing other health related issues. In order to get rid of overweight problem, proper diet plan and exercise play an important role. Right diet charts can be made by dietitians only who have great knowledge in the field of diet and nutrition. There are some tips to reduce weight suggested by Best Dietitian in India. Before discussing tips for weight loss, we will discuss that what are the factors that are responsible for overweight. Such factors are given below as:

Food and Activity
People gain more weight when they burn less calories than they take the whole day. This is the more common reason behind overweight issue.

Research stated that genes play a vital role to gain more weight. The chances of obesity is much in those children whom parents are obese as compared to other children.

The people who are living in the areas where there is no facility of parks, affordable gyms, sidewalks etc having more probability of the overweight issues.

Food addiction
Some people are addicted to more sugary and high fat junk foods. They do not have control over their eating habits and gain weight.

There are some tips to reduce your heavy weight

     Coffee is a new diet plan and gaining popularity. It is observed that drinking coffee several times in a day can enhance your metabolism, block calorie consumption, burn fat, and decrease your hunger.
     Choose fat burning foods to reduce weight. There are some foods which burns fat. Such foods include kiwi which reduces your appetite and contains less calories. Mushroom, Apples, Hot Peppers, Broccoli, Tomatoes etc are some foods that help to reduce your weight.
     Do exercise regularly for a fixed amount of time along with a healthy diet. Include dates, green vegetables and fruits in your diet.
     Protein rich foods help to burn more fat of your body and enhance metabolism. Protein can be obtained from Pasta, Rice, Breads, Corn Potatoes etc.
     Never skip your breakfast. You will feel more hungry and experience digestion problems.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Diet and exercise for Weight Loss

Weight loss does not rely upon the diet only. It also does not depend upon the exercise alone.  In order to decrease your weight in an effective manner, choose appropriate weight loss programs. Such programs should include a healthy diet and suitable exercises. Effective weight loss programs can be suggested by the Best dietitian in India i.e. Ms. Luna Jaiswal. The dietitian cannot suggest weight-loss schemes without sufficient knowledge of diet and nutrition. Thus, dietitians should be well educated and experienced. 

As we discussed that diet alone is not useful to reduce weight. It is proven by the research published in the clinical nutrition journal. The researchers took a team of people. They split this team into two groups. They were given very less calorie diet to one group. To another group, they were provided three weights sessions in a week along with their diet plan. They were under the supervision of scientists for 14 weeks. After the end of this session, both groups had lost their weight.

Moreover, the group with exercise and diet plan avoid much amount of body fat. The group which was following a diet plan only, able to lose 75% of weight loss from stored body fat. But in case of another group, people were able to lose 96% of weight from body fat. They were feeling healthy and more active. From this research, it was clear that only diet is not helpful for weight loss and a healthy life. In order to get a healthy and strong body, the combination of exercise and diet play a vital role. So, always eat right to lose your weight and gain health. 

Include more fibre and proteins in your diet for better results. Fibre can obtain from grain, pasta, jowar, and pulses etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also good sources of fibre. Along with fibre and protein in your diet add more water also. Water helps to flushes waste and toxins and reduce fluid retention. So, have 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. 

Friday, 5 July 2019

Best time to do exercise daily for effective weight loss

Exercise plays a vital role in weight loss programs. For the effective and fast weight loss, 20-30 minutes exercise on a daily basis is beneficial. But for the better results one hour exercise is required. The exercise at the same time in the morning, evening and afternoon is very effective to achieve weight loss goal. From the research, it has been analyzed that the people do exercise daily but change the type of exercise which is not effective. It is not easy to do exercise at the same time every day. It is also not sure which time is best to burn calories. To choose the best time that is suitable for you, do exercise at different times of the day. Along with exercise, there is a need for healthy food as well. The choice of exercise and food can be advised by the best dietitian in India. There are some tips to pick the best time to do exercise daily. 

Exercise in the Morning

Morning can be the best choice to do exercise because in the morning time your stomach is empty after the long sleep and it helps to burn the stored fat in your body. It helps to make you more active for the whole day. Due to this, you will get tired early and go to bed early. In the morning you will get up early. After some days you will get used to it. 

Exercise in the Afternoon

It is the best time if you are planning for a long and accurate exercise program. At this time all of you had your meal which enhances sugar level in your body. Also, the temperature of our body enhances during day time. When the temperature of our body is highest then our muscle strength also increases. The performance of your body also increases during the afternoon because at this time blood pressure and heart rate are low.

Exercise in the Night

As we have discussed the benefits of morning and afternoon exercise for weight loss program, the night exercise is also beneficial. It has been observed that exercise at night time support to mitigate the level of hunger-stimulating hormone, ghrelin, over time. It helps to meet your weight loss goal mad maintain your weight. 

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Impact of exercise timing on weight loss

Overweight is a serious issue among people. In order to mitigate weight, people do several exercises, adopt some diet plans, and hire dietitians and so on. But people are not aware of the impact of exercise timing on weight loss.  They do exercise at any time when they are free in the morning, afternoon or evening. According to new research, exercise timing plays a vital role in weight loss. Most people refer morning time to do exercise, which is perfect to lose weight effectively. The only exercise is not a solution to lose weight, there is also a need for a proper diet. The appropriate diet can be suggested by reputed dieticians.   Dietitians allow appropriate weight management programs which include both diet charts and exercise. American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), American Diabetes Association (ADA) and National Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommended that exercise is an essential part of any exercise program. Based on the study, it was analyzed that the morning exercise is more efficient as compared to evening or afternoon exercise. 

In order to adopt weight loss programs hire the best dietitian in India

Diet plans, as well as exercise, is required to control the weight in an effective manner. Only diet or only exercise is not sufficient to manage weight.  So, follow that weight loss program which includes both exercise and diet. The combination of a healthy diet and exercise is a more effective way to reduce weight as compared to restriction of calories only. Exercise alone may prevent diseases or cause diseases. Exercise is important because it not only helps to reduce weight but also eliminates some diseases such as Cancer, Cholesterol, and Diabetes etc. It helps to enhance confidence and well-being. It is the best idea to lose weight and enhance body strength. The 20 minutes of exercise is best for reducing weight. Along with exercise, take healthy food which contains protein, fat, vegetables etc. The best sources of protein are an egg, meat, fish, and seafood. The fat can be obtained from butter, coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, etc. The vegetables include Tomato, kale, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Swiss chard, Cucumber,Spinach and so on. 

Physician Queen - Ms Luna Jaiswal

Dietitians are those who evaluate the health status of people. Based on the findings, they suggest the diet charts to their clients. The dietitians should be specialized in diet and nutrition. Because the wrong diet plan may cause serious health issues. So, always prefer the best dietitian to attain a healthy life. Today, the maximum of the health issues are due to wrong eating habits of people. They do not know how much to eat, in what amounts to eat, and when to eat. The excess of junk food on a daily basis enhances the probability of an overweight problem. To avoid all these issues refer to dietitians. 

If we talk about the best dietitian, Ms Luna Jaiswal, the famous personality of India, known as the best dietitian in India. She has completed her whole study in diet and nutrition field. She has started her career as a dietitian with Add Life i.e. Nutrition Counselling Centre in Lucknow. She specializes in making all types of diet programs for people. Add life is leading company in Lucknow for weight management service. Overweight is a major issue among people due to overeating habits, excess of sugar in food, genetics and the use of some medicines. This issue can be eliminated effectively by making healthy diet plans. Diet plans do not mean quitting food or starvation. It means to make a choice of healthy food in the appropriate quantity. The excess of food and deficiency of food cause of many serious health issues. 

Therefore, dietitians always suggest that eat right within an appropriate quantity. Ms Luna Jaiswal also follows the same phenomenon i.e.  Eat moderate and Live healthily. She also suggests exercises, yoga, and meditation for a healthy life. These activities help to avoid some physical disorders such as High blood pressure, Diabetes, Cholesterol and many more lifestyle disorders.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Nutrition Secrets - Add Life

Dietitians are health professionals who treat and diagnose your health issues by advising you about the best diet and food. Dietitians should be qualified and experienced in the field of diet and nutrition. The dietitians are responsible to make the diet charts for the people who are suffering from some health issues. The maximum of the health issues takes place due to the wrong diet habits. The right diet is mandatory to attain good health. Thus, people refer dietitians to get the right diet charts to get rid of health problems. In India, there are a number of dietitians, among them, Luna Jaiswal is renowned dietician in India. She is an expert in making sports diet charts, special diet charts and regular diet charts.  She has 13 years of experience in the field of diet and running a nutrition counselling centre in Lucknow.  This centre is known as Add Life where the staff of experts and experienced dieticians is present.

Luna Jaiswal is providing cost-effective services to clients which make her Best Dietitian in India. She has a team of professionals who are always available to people at any time. They help to do some physical activities for better results. Such activities include meditation, exercise etc.  She has adopted one principle i.e. Eat right, Manage weight and Gain health. Quitting food is not the solution so that she always suggest to take appropriate food on a daily basis. Add Life facilitates many nutrients to manage weight at an affordable rate. These nutrients help to manage weight within few days only. They offer services which include weight management, Single diet consultation, Sports diet charts, Special diet plans. Luna Jaiswal working actively in the field of weight management and lifestyle disorders such as Hypertension, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Low immunity and so on.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Your Health is on your Plate - Ms Luna Jaiswal

Dietitians help to make nutrition programs and food programs for people to get a healthy life. They are professionals and trained for advising people about food, diet and nutrition.  The good health relies upon the habits of eating. Proper eating habits is the secret of a healthy life. Therefore, diet plans play a vital role to gain health and to reduce diseases. The diet charts can be made by dietitians. There are a number of dietitians in India who help in making diet plans for people. Among them, Ms Luna Jaiswal is the best dietitian in India. She is running “Add Life” nutrition counselling centre in Lucknow. She has 13 years of experience in the field of diet and nutrition. She helps people to make their diet charts based on their health status. 

She is an expert in making sports diet charts and special diet charts. She has done his study on diet and nutrition. She provided the free check-up of the body before suggesting any diet for a particular person. The diet also varies from person to person as per the requirement of people. Add Life has a team of professionals and experienced doctors who help to make diet plans and help to do yoga and exercises. Luna Jaiswal believes in healthy food and does not support starvation. She specializes in weight management, Sports diet programs and special diets. Add Life provide numerous nutrients at affordable prices which help to manage the weight within a few days. It helps to eliminate lifestyle disorders like Cholesterol, Blood pressure, PCOS, Diabetes, Low immunity and some other.